All About September’s New Moon and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

New month, new moon!

The next new moon rises at 4:55 p.m. PT on Sept. 2, a significant lunation that unofficially marks the end of summer and transition into the fall season as it coincides with Labor Day this year.

Taking place just a few weeks before its corresponding full Harvest Moon that peaks on Sept. 17, the new moon differs astronomically and astrologically in comparison. While the new moon’s appearance is dimmed and its cosmic effects aren’t as strong, the blacked-out lunar phase still holds astronomical energy.

In fact, the new moon’s energy brewing in the cosmos will bring about new beginnings for each person’s zodiac sign. According to PEOPLE’s resident astrologer Kyle Thomas, “They open a cosmic door that had been previously closed to you depending upon where they land for your Rising and Sun signs.”

He adds, “A new moon not only brings something fresh and new to your life, but gives you the chance to use its energy consciously as you seek to build new patterns and plans that will echo out for six months to a year.”

September’s new moon will rise in Virgo (11 degrees), the sixth zodiac sign on the wheel. “The energy of this elemental Earth sign will be quite prominent in our lives at this time,” says Thomas, noting that it “aligns with our daily routines, responsibilities and employment.”

Thomas warns of various “astrological energies that are coloring this lunation,” of which many should be taken into consideration. “This is a time when you must guard your health and mind, while also lying low rather than charging into a battle or situation.”

Interestingly, “The actions that are taken near this time will likely manifest near the lunar eclipse in Virgo (23 degrees),” Thomas points out. The astronomical phenomenon takes place on March 14, 2025.

Until then, read on for what September’s new moon could mean for your zodiac sign based on Kyle Thomas’ predictions!

Aries (March 21-April 19)


It’s time to get down to business, Aries. Get ready to take on more projects from your employer as this new moon will have you busy!

Despite the jam-packed schedule, Kyle Thomas predicts you’ll now be able to “create patterns you’d like to build to improve your work-life balance.” He adds, “If you’d like to find a better job, apply yourself now.”

Elsewhere in his prediction, Thomas advises you “seize the day” at this time if you wish to “improve your physical health or fitness.”

Taurus (April 20-May 20)


Taurus, can you feel the romance and magic in the air? Prepare for passion to ignite your heart!

“September’s new moon will be like a flame of desire and love,” says Thomas. If single, he says to “be sure to put yourself out there.” If committed, he says to “use this time to reignite your spark.”

If you’d like to pursue creative endeavors, hobbies or fertility matters, Thomas says “the stars are now aligned!”

Gemini (May 21-June 20)


Focus on finding your center, Gemini. It’s time to get settled.

“The new moon will be encouraging you to focus on domestic, home or family matters,” Thomas puts forth. “Consider how you can improve your living space, whether that is by doing a cleaning, renovating or redecoration.”

He adds, “If you’d like to move or get involved in real estate, use the time now.”

Cancer (June 21-July 22)


Inspiration and new visions are calling, Cancer. You’ll be generating ideas like you’re a machine!

“With the new moon activating your mental capacity, you’ll feel eager to announce your vision, plans and ideas to the world,” says Thomas. “You may now begin working on an important writing, speaking, branding or communications-related project.”]

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)


Gold could be around the corner, Leo! Wealth is on your mind.

In fact, Thomas predicts “more of it could suddenly be coming your way!” As the new moon highlights your finances, he says “you could hear of a new job offer, side hustle or raise to increase your income.”

Thomas adds, “Fabulous new possessions may also cross your path!”

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Horoscope Spotlight Header, Virgo.

Fresh starts await, Virgo! The most important lunation of the year has arrived for you.

With this new moon energizing your zodiac sign, Thomas says it you could feel like “you’ve suddenly felt a rush of new potential.” He suggests, “Use this time to step into the spotlight and demand what you wish from the universe because opportunities to reach your goals will appear.”

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)


A yawn could be upon you, Libra. Lie low and recharge your batteries.

“You may feel like it is time to rest and find stillness,” says Thomas. “As you do, you’ll generate brilliant and creative ideas about how you can improve your life in the year to come.”

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)


Rejoice, Scorpio! With the arrival of the new moon, you may feel on top of the world.

“Everyone everywhere could be giving you even more attention than usual,” predicts Thomas. “Your popularity will be on its A-game, so network and spend time to your heart’s content.”

He adds, “This is also a great period to ask for a favor or try your hand at online dating.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)


Sizzle and soar higher, Sagittarius! Career heights are calling your name.

In fact, Thomas says “you will likely see opportunities for competitive job offers, a promotion or favorable awards or press.” He suggests, “Use this period to strategize to your goals and see how far you can climb.”

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)


Race to the horizon, Capricorn! It’s time to leave behind your comfort zone.

As the new moon arrives, Thomas says “you will have an opportunity to soar into new territory physically, spiritually or intellectually.” He suggests, “Plan some long-distance travel, enroll in a course of study or polish off that book you’ve been hoping to write.”

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)


Wealth matters, Aquarius! It’s time to think about big money situations.

As the new moon arrives, Thomas predicts “you’ll have an opportunity to focus on your assets or investments.” He says, “If you have an opportunity for a settlement or royalty checks, this is the time to peer further.”

Lastly, Thomas says if you’re “seeking a new credit line or mortgage … go for it!”

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)


Connection could be profound now, Pisces. Partnership is at the top of your mind.

With the new moon’s arrival, Thomas predicts “union will present itself.” If single, he suggests looking for someone with “longterm potential” — and if committed, he says to “use this time to grow closer and commit even more deeply.”

He adds, “Dance with a twin flame.”

Kyle Thomas — who’s known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE’s weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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