The 24-year-old was a two-time NCAA heavyweight champion for the Minnesota Golden Gophers who posted an 83-2 record and twice won the Hodge Trophy (NCAA’s best wrestler). He then went on to win a gold medal in freestyle wrestling during the Tokyo Olympics in 2021.
Looking to turn a standout wrestler into a lineman isn’t a completely novel concept in the NFL.
Stephen Neal and Carlton Haselrig were outstanding collegiate wrestlers who prospered with the New England Patriots and Pittsburgh Steelers, respectively. They both had previous football experience, whereas Steveson had none whatsoever.
Most famous might well be Brock Lesnar, who tried out unsuccessfully for the Minnesota Vikings. Thus, Steveson could be best compared to Lesnar, who had wildly prosperous runs with the WWE and Ultimate Fighting Championship, when all is said and done.
He had previously weighed futures in mixed martial arts or pro wrestling.
Pro wrestling didn’t work out and now Steveson is at another crossroads. He could see if he can sign on with another team, likely as a practice squad addition, or maybe try out MMA. For now, though, Steveson’s NFL aspirations are on hold.