Tosuncuk set his sights on space: I will join the Mars colony

Mehmet Aydın, nicknamed “Tosuncuk”, the main defendant of the “Çiftlik Bank” case, who was arrested and sent to prison for allegedly defrauding many people with the promise of high profits, spoke for the first time in 2.5 years. Aydın, who has been in prison for 29 months, thinks that he will benefit from probation in 2028. Aydın said, “I think I will buy a ticket from Starship and join the Mars colony. After that age, the world will be unbearable.”

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Mehmet Aydın, known as “Tosuncuk”, was detained on a plane at Istanbul Airport on July 3, 2021, and was charged with “establishing an organization to commit a crime” and “fraud by using information systems, banks or credit institutions as a tool” within the scope of the investigation launched against him upon the complaint of 102 victims. was arrested on charges of “fraud of traders or company managers and cooperative managers”.

Mehmet Aydın spoke for the first time after 2.5 years and sent a photo showing his last appearance in prison. 

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Speaking to Oda TV, Aydın explained how his days in prison were spent as follows: “I have been in Edirne F Type Prison for 29 months. I don’t know if I should call a two-storey room a house. There are beds and wardrobes for clothes on the upper floor. It is a room facing east, with good sunlight. There is an American kitchen style downstairs, there is a TV and a round table in the living room, there is only tea and coffee in the downstairs kitchen. There is a total open and closed area of ​​around 100 square meters. My day is spent reading books and studying. Of course, there are TV series and movies in the evenings. In the mornings I am doing sports.”

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During his statements, Aydın was also asked about the Ponzi Seçil incident. Aydın spoke on this subject as follows: 
“I think all of those people are sane people. Every person has a limit of insanity. We can also call it risk appetite. All these people took high risks with the expectation of very high interest rates. Then, when the money flow stopped, oh man, we were defrauded. No, you took a risk, and a big risk…. The end of the pyramid system is clear. Everyone who enters knows the risk and enters. Then they involve their close circle, and like an ever-growing snowball, it is doomed to gather in one place and fall apart. Moreover, these questions I regret being the interlocutor.”

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Aydın said, “You have been in prison for 2.5 years. When you look back, do you wish you had not gotten into this business?” Answering the question, he said that he regretted getting married. Aydın said that he bought a ring for a woman, and when his marriage proposal was rejected, he proposed to a woman he had just met. Aydın said, “I bought a ring to propose to the girl I loved. I proposed, but the girl rejected me. The ring remained in my hand like that, and it hurt me a lot. Probably due to that mood and the influence of alcohol, I gave the same ring to Sıla, whom I had just met. She also gave it to Sıla, whom I had just met. “I immediately accepted it. I wish I hadn’t drunk alcohol. I was a big nonsense. Then it ended up being a marriage of convenience with someone I didn’t like. I wish I had never married.” said.

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During his statements, Aydin also talked about his plans after prison. Stating that he does not know when he will be released, Aydın said, “The answer to this is a bit difficult because it depends on when I will be released. In the worst-case scenario, I may be released on probation in 2028. I think I will buy a ticket from Starship and join the Mars colony.”

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Apart from traveling to Mars, Aydin is also interested in business. Aydın said: “If I leave it sooner, I have a list of things to do before I die. It consists of 100 items. I will try to do them. From now on, I have no power to think about anything else. If I had to do something, I would do what I know and deal with e-commerce.”

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Mehmet Aydın’s lawyer Mehmet Keske, in his evaluation to Odatv, claimed many untrue news about his client and said:

“In the case in which my client was tried, the damages of the complainants were determined to be 70 million 514 thousand TL, according to expert reports. Companies that will cover these losses have many assets. In fact, it is clear that my client did not act with the intention of defrauding.”

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